Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Climb (it's not just a Miley Cyrus song)

I hit my Weight Watchers goal today. Actually overshot it by a pound. Which means I've gone from 157 lbs in early June, (the picture above is what I looked like at 157 lbs) to 131 lbs today. 26 lbs in about 7 months. So it seems like a good time to sit back and reflect on this part of the journey. Because believe me, the journey continues!

My first reflection is that it's been pretty easy. Weight Watchers really isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle. And a lot of what I've learned is really simple stuff. Eat fruits and veggies. Drink plenty of liquid. Move your body. Control your portions.

Over these past few months, those guidelines have become habits for me. And so, even when I fall off the wagon, like I did last month, the habits are there, to cushion the blow and lessen the damage. When I choose to eat a candy bar, I'm more apt to make my next food choice a healthy one, than I would be if Weight Watchers were not a part of my life. Like my awesome meeting leader Kathryn always says, "It's about progress, not perfection."

Another simile she used in a meeting was falling down stairs. If you stumble, and fall down a couple of steps, do you then get up, and proceed to throw yourself down the entire staircase? And everybody in the meeting ruefully answered "Yeeess...". I know I've thrown myself down more than one staircase in my life, figuratively speaking.

But so far, I've always eventually picked myself up from the heap at the foot of the stairs, and begun the ascent once again. And in reaching my weight goal, I feel like I've arrived at a landing. I can hang out here for a while - the view's not bad...

Below me is where I've come from. The "fat jeans" that were getting snug on me before I joined WW. The empty bags of candy stashed in drawers and the bottom of the trash. Feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable about my appearance. Feeling tired, listless, and depressed.
I hope I never have to fall down that entire flight of stairs again. Because I don't want to go back there. I don't want to feel that way ever again. Although should I find myself at the bottom of the stairs once more, I know what to to. That's right: start climbing. Because (say it with me, people), it's about progress, not perfection.

While I was climbing this particular flight of stairs, there were times when my Ultimate Weight Goal seemed like the top of the staircase. The brass ring. The finishing line. Now that I'm standing here, I can see that the stairs go on... flights upon flights... kinda like the moving staircases of Hogwarts.

And I'm excited to continue the climb. I know some of the things I'm climbing towards: increased fitness, mainly in the area of core strength and improved muscle tone. Finishing a half marathon. Getting into those hot black leather pants. As well as some things that aren't related to the physical side of me: seeking employment at Weight Watchers, continuing to be a role model for my kids, and striving to create the life for myself and them that I see in my mind's eye.

I am now officially in my six-week maintenance phase of Weight Watchers. I'm sure it'll be an adjustment. After being so intent on losing weight all this time, I now have to focus on NOT losing. I'm going to try to do it by continuing my workouts and increasing my portions slightly. There's going to be a candy bar here and there. But rest assured, I am done with hiding the wrappers!

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