Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Before

I knew the moment this picture was taken, it was going to be my Before Picture. This is me at my heaviest, 157 lbs, on a beach in Cancun, almost exactly two years ago.
This was not the first time I weighed 157 lbs. Nor was it the last. But it was the only time I walked confidently on the beach, in a bikini, weighing 157 lbs.
That in itself was a victory. I have to tell you, I almost didn't go on this trip. And why? Only because I felt fat.
I signed up to go on this "Moms Gone Wild" trip months in advance. I had enough time to get in shape. I just didn't. Instead, I made excuses, and poor food choices, and before I knew it, the trip was right around the corner, and I weighed 157 lbs.
Ever been in a situation like that? A class reunion, a company Christmas party, a trip to your home town for the first time in forever? And you feel fat, and you want to opt out?
Well I sure have. And I have opted out before. I have missed out on so much life, putting myself on the sidelines because of my weight issues. This time, though, I made a different choice. I made the choice to go, just as I was at that moment. I made the choice to participate in life, and to take advantage of the opportunities that came my way.
I made the choice to walk confidently along that beach, in a bikini, weighing 157 lbs. It was an empowering experience. Then I came home and joined Weight Watchers.

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